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EASA IR English

IR English established by EASA ▪️ tested by  Aero Language


Evaluation of EASA IR English is easy - either you pass ✅ or fail.

On Ground

Content is very simple - we simulate the real IFR flight communication o ground.

In Flight

Content is very simple - we simulate the real IFR Flight.


IR English should be valid for a lifetime ✅ However it is not allways the case.

Sample test

IR English test is based on the real-life scenario.

IR English assessments  provided by Aero Language are a separate assessment with pass/fail outcome.

IR English online testing

EASA mandates all pilots applying for an  instrument rating to undergo a special  language proficiency assessment in accordance with FCL.055(d). IR English assessments  provided by Aero Language are a separate assessment with pass/fail outcome. Some EASA member states such as France mandate the IR English assessment for each  language proficiency exam .

Holders of an instrument rating  shall have demonstrated the ability to use the English language at the appropriate proficiency level as defined in Appendix 2 to Part FCL. The demonstration of English language for instrument rating  holders shall be done through a method of assessment established by any competent authority.

The purpose of  EASA IR English proficiency  is to assess the abilities of a pilot to use the standard aviation and  IFR-related  phraseology in real-life scenarios:

Your IR English proficiency

  • In flight: R/T relevant to all phases of flight, including emergency situations.
  • On ground: all information relevant to the accomplishment of a flight:
    • be able to read and demonstrate an understanding of technical manuals written in English, for example an operations manual, a helicopter flight manual, etc.;
    • pre-flight planning, weather information collection, NOTAMs, ATC flight plan, etc.;
    • use of all aeronautical en-route, departure and approach charts and associated documents written in English.
  • IFR communication: be able to communicate with other crew members in English during all phases of flight, including flight preparation.

IR English evaluation

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All the descriptors are evaluated by language proficiency examiner during the IR English exam in real-time. There is no level, nor the partial pass.

IR English Exam content

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The content of IR English is very similar to daily operation of a airline pilot or a pilot using Instrument Flying Rules for the purpose of flight.

IR English on ground ⬇️⬇️⬇️

We just need to make sure you are able to read and understand relevant aviation sources. To comply with AMC3 FCL.055(a)(2), our language proficiency examiner will look on following:

  • your ability to read and understand of technical manuals written in English. This might be an operations manual or simply some text from Jeppesen manual
  • pre-flight planning, weather information collection, NOTAMs, ATC flight plan, etc.;
  • use of all aeronautical en-route, departure and approach charts and associated documents written in English.

IR English in Flight

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During the simulation of IFR Flight, language proficiency examiner will specifically look for R/T relevant to all phases of flight, including emergency situations. You may expect standard communication - exactly the same like you are used to from your Instrument Rating training. The airport and callsigns will be mutually agreed with LPE. The content of the IR English exam in flight consists of assessing the candidate's ability to respond to the following situations:

  • initial contact with ATC and ATC flight clerance
  • taxi clearance and emergency procedures during taxi
  • take-off clearance, departure procedures, emergency procedures
  • in-flight diversion to the alternate ai rport
  • holding entry procedures and holding, approach procedures
  • landing clearance and taxi clearence, taxiing
  • preventing runway incursions, engine shut-down

IR English Validity

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Aviation IR English validity

IR English or so-called aviation IFR communication exam provided in accordance with EASA FCL.055(d) have a lifetime validity. In most countries, you do not have to revalidate nor renew it.

The EASA IR English exam is required once - before issue of any of following:

  • instrument rating (including competency-based instrument rating)
  • en route instrument rating
  • basic instrument rating

IR English validity in France

Only exemption is currently the France. This mandatory requirement of DGCA affects all French-issued EASA licence holders. French authorities requiring demonstration of IR English during each language proficiency exam. Thus IR English privileges are valid together with your ICAO English language proficiency. Nevertheless we are aware of the requirement and we know how to deal with it.

IR English Sample Test

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Our Language proficiency examiner will guide you thru the IR English exam. The scenario under which your IR English will be tested will be agreed directly with an LPE. In general, Language proficiency examiner will simulate an ATC and you will have to communicate like you have been trained - in proper IFR manner

Our happy customers

Green Agenda
Green Agenda

ICAO English Assessments

IR English and ICAO English for pilots