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zufriedene Kunden

Course instructor

Based on my experience of taking the ICAO English proficiency test I have to say that I am very pleased with the current system. As for the examiner Nikola, he has done superb job.

Capt. Venko
ICAO English exam

Nächste Veranstaltungen

Tomorrow ICAO English Online Check-in
Tomorrow IR English Online Check-in
28.03.2025 ICAO English, Bratislava Bratislava Check-in
29.03.2025 ICAO English, Stockholm Upplands - Väsby Check-in
30.03.2025 ICAO English, Bratislava Bratislava Check-in
Alle verfügbaren Kurse

Best language proficiency testing

Online 24/7

We are very flexible. The team of our 90+ examiners are ready to accommodate your request even at very short notice.


Worldwide coverage

All the EASA member states are accepting our certificates. However our coverage is far beyond the EASA region.


Green Team

Our operation is paperless. We are not only saving an environment, but we are saving your money.


Nur wenige einfache Schritte zur Anmeldung!

Step 1

Register & pay

Choose the appointment which suits you best and pay online using our secure payment gateway.

Icao english exams

Step 2

Take an exam online

Setup your webcam and microphone and take the online ICAO English exam. You can even use your smartphone or tablet  

Icao english exams

Step 3

Wait for final results

You will usually receive the results within 2 working days by email.

Icao english exams

Step 4

Get your Certificate

Our system will send you the  language proficiency certificate  by email.

Icao english exams

ICAO-Englisch BLOG

Insight   19 Sep 2023

Aviation English is a formal language

Aviation English is a special type of communication language that pilots use while flying an aircraft. This special use of English is important for safe and efficient operation of the aircraft in an airspace regardless of aircraft category. 

Information   25 Nov 2018

BLOG: My ICAO English validity has expired

You have a problem. But we'll gladly assist.

Information   25 Nov 2018

BLOG: Validity of ICAO English

The ICAO English qualification is time-limited except Level 6.

Information   25 Nov 2018

BLOG: Where is ICAO language proficiency endorsed?

Where is ICAO English endorsed...?

Mehr Nachrichten

Wir haben Erfahrung und Engagement

Zu, čo robíme, robíme s radosťou, nadšením a vysokou profesionalitou. Das erste Mal, dass Ihr Kind sich an die Arbeit macht, muss es auf jeden Fall tun.

Unsere zufriedenen Kunden

Green Agenda
Green Agenda


IR-Englisch und ICAO-Englisch für Piloten