Language Examiner Qualification course
Accelerated initial Language examiner training takes 3 days.
Accelerated initial Language examiner training takes 3 days.
Accelerated initial Language examiner training takes 3 days.
LPE accelerated training
In Aero Language we value your time. At the same time we will not let you to do the ICAO English exams unless you are ready to do so. That expects a guided selfstudy combined with industry top-end training. The guided part of the Language examiner training lasts about 3 days and we will cover around 25 hours of training. That includes also Language examiner on-job-training. Once completed, you will be recommended for your LPE assessment of competence.
If you are coming completely outside of an aviation, our highly experienced lecturers will provide you with so-called AVFAM. That is aviation-related familiarization. So in addition to your language skills you will also get some necessary proficiency to understand the principles of aviation phraseology.