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IR English Validity

IR English should be valid for a lifetime ✅ However it is not allways the case.

Aviation IR English validity

IR English or so-called aviation IFR communication exam provided in accordance with EASA FCL.055(d) have a lifetime validity. In most countries, you do not have to revalidate nor renew it.

The EASA IR English exam is required once - before issue of any of following:

  • instrument rating (including competency-based instrument rating)
  • en route instrument rating
  • basic instrument rating

IR English validity in France

Only exemption is currently the France. This mandatory requirement of DGCA affects all French-issued EASA licence holders. French authorities requiring demonstration of IR English during each language proficiency exam. Thus IR English privileges are valid together with your ICAO English language proficiency. Nevertheless we are aware of the requirement and we know how to deal with it.