Language proficiency examiner
Staňte sa examinátor ICAO English počas jediného víkendu.
Staňte sa examinátor ICAO English počas jediného víkendu.
Jazykový examinátor ICAO je intenzívny viacdenný kvalifikačný kurz vyžadujúci vašu plnú pozornosť a mnoho samoštúdia. Náš Senioar jazykový ICAO English examinátor Vás prevedie kurzom jednoducho a hladko.
Language proficiency examiner, ELP examinátor, Examinátor ICAO English, alebo jednoducho len jazykový examinátor. Je to špeciálne vyškolená osoba akceptovaná leteckým úradom, resp. Dopravným úradom pre vykonávanie preskúšania ICAO English.
Hlavnou úlohou examinátora jazykovej spôsobilosti je vykonávanie preskúšaní ICAO English, IR English a ak ste rodený slovák, tak aj ICAO Slovak. Aktivitu jazykových examinátorov zastrešujeme administratívne ako Aero Language cez náš elektronický systém a prostredníctvom nášho certifikátu SVK.LAB.04.
Aero Language poskytuje špičkový kvalifikačný kurz Examinátor ICAO English, ako aj pravidelné LPE Refresher kurzy. Kurz language proficiency examiner pozostáva z troch častí. Prvá časť je akademická časť. Teda teoretická výučba, ktorá trvá približne 3 dni a spravidla ju realizujeme cez víkend.
Druhou časťou je on-job training, kedy budúci jazykový examinátor ICAO vykonáva demo preskúšania a hodnotenie preskúšaní. Každé preskúšanie a hodnotenie je vyhodnotené lektorom, ktorý vedie kurz LPE. Tretia časť je určená pre pilotov. V nej sa budúci examinátor ICAO English naučí všetko potrebné pre vykonávanie preskúšaní IR English potrebných pre preskúšanie angličtiny na prístrojovú kvalifikáciu.
V Aero Language si vážime cenu vášho času. Súčasne vám však môžeme umožniť realizovať skúšky ICAO English až po tom, ako sa ubezpečíme, že preskúšanie leteckej angličtiny bude vykonané profesionálne a štandardne. Preto Aero Language poskytuje špičkový kurz jazykový examinátor, ktorý pozostáva ako z teoretickej výučby, tak so samoštúdia a praktického tréningu. Teoretická výučba je spravidla poskytovaná online a trvá približne 3 dni. Počas troch dní absolvujete približne 25 hodín teórie zameranej na špecifické vedomosti jazykového examinátora LPE.
Kurz tiež zahŕňa tzv. Language examiner on-job-training. Po absolvovaní kurzu LPE, absolvujete hodnotenie spôsobilosti examinátora, tzv. LPE assessment of competence.
Často sa stretávame s otázkou - Musím byť ✈️ pilot ✈️ aby som sa mohol stať Language proficiency examiner?
My všetkých radi ubezpečujeme: Nie, nemusíte byť pilot :-)
Ak nie ste pilot, na to, aby ste sa mohli stať examinátorom ICAO English, je potrebné, aby ste mali špičkovú úroveň angličtny. Inými slovami mali by ste byť tzv. linguistický expert a mať skúsenosti s používaním anglického jazyka napríklad ako učiteľ angličtiny.
Jediná nutná požiadaka je teda dobrá úroveň angličtiny zodpovedajúca ICAO English Level 5. Zvyšok je na nás.
Kurz LPE - jazykový examinátor je ukončený Hodnotením spôsobilosti. Aero Language tiež zabezpečí Vašu akceptáciu ako examinátora LPE na Dopravnom úrade.
Dopravný úrad vám vydá akceptačný list. Od nás dostanete licenciu jazykového examinátora vrátane preukazu spôsobilosti a ID karty.
Ako Language Proficiency Examiner budete oprávnený poskytovať preskúšania ICAO English držiteľom preukazov spôsobilosti všetkých členských krajín EASA ♥
V Aero Language poskytuje zrýchlený kurz examinátor jazykovej spôsobilosti. Vo väčšine prípadov je kurz jazykový examinátor LPE ukončený v priebehu jedného víkendového kurzu. Ak splníte všetky domáce úlohy, môžete podstúpiť hodnotenie spôsobilosti examinátora v priebehu menej ako jedného týždňa.
Ak prichádzate z oblasti, ktorá je tematicky úplne mimo letectva, naši skúsení lektori vám poskytnú takzvaný kurz AVFAM. Jedná sa o súčasť kurzu jazykový examinátor, ktorá vás zoznámi s leteckou frazeológiou a terminológiou. Takže okrem svojich jazykových znalostí získate aj potrebnú znalosť zásad leteckej frazeológie a leteckej komunikácie.
Pre zachovanie oprávnení language proficiency examiner je potrebné sa minimálne jedenkrát ročne zúčastniť a absolvovať opakovací kurz jazykových examinátorov. Niekedy sa mu hovorí ako recurrent training, alebo annual examiner training.
Školenie sa koná raz ročne a je poskytnuté online formou priamo od Aero Language. Počas opakovacieho kurzu sa zameriavame najmä na novinky v oblasti preskúšania jazykovej spôsobilosti, ako aj na najčastejšie problémy, ktoré sme počas preskúšaní identifikovali.
Ročne relizujeme stovky skúšok ICAO English. Na základe toho vám môžeme poskytnúť podrobnú spätnú väzbu o aktuálnych trendoch, aktuálnych národných požiadavkách a najkomplexnejšej podpore v Európe.
Krivka učenia je počas počiatočného Kurzu examinátora LPE pomerne dosť strmá. Náš inštruktor vás však hladko prevedie cez celý kurz Language examiner. Bude vás to baviť.
Prvé hodnotenie spôsobilosti a Vašej prijateľnosti na úlohu jazykový examinátor LPE je realizované hodnotením vašich predchádzajúcich skúseností. Kladieme dôraz na to, aby bola vaša angličtina bezchybná. Zameriavame sa predovšetkým na vašu gramatiku a vetnú skladbu, vašu leteckú angličtinu a iné oblasti.
Najdôležitejšou požiadavkou na budúceho jazykového examinátora je samozréjme vynikajúca angličtina slovom aj písmom. Potrebujeme, aby boli vaše jazykové znalosti aspoň na úrovni ICAO Level 5. Ak nie ste držiteľom certifikátu ICAO English, potrebné preskúšanie zrealizujeme v rámci Aero Language.
ICAO English candidate
Thank you for your professionalism, an excellent on-time performance and your very good customer service. I am very impressed with your approach and a very efficient communication.
ICAO English
Language Examiner Training
ICAO English candidate
It was incredible! Quite an experience :-)) The examiner was very experienced.
Based on my experience of taking the ICAO English proficiency test I have to say that I am very pleased with the current system. As for the examiner Nikola, he has done superb job.
ICAO English exam
Well, what’s my test experience feedback about? None other then super positive! Great experience!
ICAO English candidate
Thank you. Everything was great. Good luck and prosperity
ICAO English candidate
Very happy overall, the language examiner training course was very professional and teachable!
Langauge examiner training
It was a great experience taking the FCL055 exam.
Your services are very much appreciated.
ICAO English candidate
Previous to this experience with Aero Language , I got the TEA one a couple of times , which is quite different in structure and flow ! Yours is much more realistic and less stressful ! Good job guys!
ICAO English candidate
The Language Examiner course was very good. As a British native and English teacher for over 5 years, the course was exactly how I expected it to be. The instructor was great. He has a very dynamic teaching method and shared many of his personal experiences with us, which allowed us to fully understand all aspects of becoming a language proficiency examiner.
Language examiner training
Everything was perfect! Nikola is great examiner! Thanks for everything!
ICAO English candidate
I must compliment your examiner Tomas on his professionalism and friendly personality. Great to see this in the aviation industry and I will be definitely recommending your business to others.
ICAO English candidate
Aero Language has excellent instructors. Everything is super! I will recommend to colleagues.
ICAO English candidate
I have to say that it’s been a pleasure working with you. Excellent service and very nice and professinal staff. Petra was just super nice and professional. Gave me all the info and introduction needed. Process was simple and smooth with with very high standards.
ICAO English exam
My experience was great!
ICAO English candidate
ICAO English exam
The Language Examiner, Ms. Emilia, was very well prepared and organized, professional, easy to understand, calm, she made the atmosphere very relaxing! Even though my very target was to get Level 6 , I’ve got level 5 but this is actually and most probably my level right now! Thus, modestly, I’m pretty happy and satisfied with the result obtained!
ICAO English candidate
Lecturer is explaining well, listening to our questions and answering them, flexible with the schedule to help us with our obligations without sacrificing any content. He has provided us with a summary of the key topics and this is a great help as there is quite some material / knowledge to absorb.
Quality training in a focused but relax atmosphere.
Language Examiner Training
I am very satisfied. Everybody was professional and responsive. I am very glad I found you guys.
Thank you for everything
ICAO English
The team is really on the top!
They put You in a confident ambiance and have prefessional approach
Thanks to all the staff
ICAO English exam
Language Examiner Training
LPE Training Candidate
It was great
ICAO English candidate
I made a good decision and I'm happy that I did it
Language examiner training
ICAO English candidate
The training was great, the atmosphere is very nice and cheerful. Great thing is that no question remains without being answered. I am pleased to cooperate with Aero Language.
Language proficiency examiner
ICAO English candidate
I’ve really enjoyed the Language examiner course. Thank you for the pressure of participating
Thank you! Everything was very good and I will definitely recommend Aero Language to my friends.
ICAO English candidate
The LPE course was truly intensive and efficient. Each session was interactive and practical.
The instructor provided the course takers with essential practical tools and proven methods of conducting and assessing the ICAO English exam.
Appreciate all the in-depth knowledge and efforts that were embroidered into the LPE course.
LPE Training
Professional, efficient and friendly from a to z.
ICAO English candidate
It was an interesting and relaxed lecture. No unnecessary information, it was kept to the point. Looking forward to the rest of the course.
Language Examiner Training
Language examiner course
Everything was cool and fast! I really liked your team. Thanks a lot. See you next time.
ICAO English candidate
Dear Team,
not much to say. Everything was very easy and fast. Now I am waiting for approval from the LBA. If everything works well I don’t think I have any complaints.
ICAO English candidate
Language proficiency examiner Candidate
I am glad to let you know that the Language Examiner course is great. We got an amazing instructor and his experience is key to the success of this great course. He also handed out a brief of being a English Language Proficiency Examiner that he made by himself.
Language Examiner candidate
Thank you again for the excellent training and I am looking forward to the mutual cooperation.
ICAO English examiner
Everything was good. You did a job on a high professional level.
ICAO English candidate
The Language examiner training went very smoothly and intensively.
Very substantive training and a nice atmosphere , I'm glad I could take part in it.
Course instructor very professionally guided us through the science of exam assessment and discussed in detail all the assessment principles and also presented the structure of your organization leaving no unanswered questions.
Language examiner training
I am very satisfied with LPE Training course. Course instructor is a very approachable good trainer and I look forward to start working with you as the course and also the testing body work very professional.
Language proficiency examiner candidate
The training was really good, Course instructor appears to be a very good trainer…. The topics were presented professionally but not too „dry“… it’s been a live session with good interaction with the participants.
Language Examiner Training
ICAO English
First of all, I would like to thank you for the service. It was fast and easy to register. Then, condition of exam and ICAO Examiner were perfect. The Language examiner explained very well how the exam will happen and made the general atmosphere smooth and confortable. Your service is great. Don t change anything.
ICAO English
Dear Aero Language!
ICAO English candidate
ICAO English candidates
It was a great pleasure working with your team and I will definitively recommend you within our flying club.
We were able to schedule the exam within just a few days and Tomáš was doing a fantastic job!
First, he explained in detail how the exam will proceed and made it very comfortable to actually take it.
The Zoom session worked flawlessly, and I received the final exam results on the same day.
ICAO English candidate
Thank you for your involvement.
The exam was well organized and very precised giving me an unique oportunity to develop some new skills.
I am excited to see you again next time.
ICAO English candidate
I was a little bit nervous about the English proficiency assessment.
But the training helped a lot to pass the ICAO English test. I think it's great that training and assessment could be made online.
ICAO English
I would like to thank you for giving me an appointment so quickly. Aero Language's concept is very professional. Signing up on your website went smoothly. I would also like to thank Tomas, who is really doing a good job. I will definitely recommend you.
Many thanks
ICAO English candidate
I would like to thank you for the excellent experience taking the English proficiency exam. Everything was on a really high level.
The language examiner Anže is very professional.
ICAO English Candidate
ICAO Angličinta a ICAO Slovenčina